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Change or reset your password

This article explains how to change your ELSOLUCIONARIO account password and request an e-mail message to reset your password if you forgot it.

How to reset your password?

If you do not remember the password for your ELSOLUCIONARIO account, you can request an e-mail message to reset your password on the login page.

Go to the login page and then click on the link that says “Forgot your password?“.

Then, it will send us to a next page where we must enter our user or e-mail and then click on the button “Reset my password”, a message will be sent to your email to reset your password.

We go to the email and click on the following link “Reset your password”.

Then, we enter our new password in the two fields and finally we click on the button “Change my password” to make the change successfully.

Can't find the password reset message?

If you do not receive your password reset message within an hour, check your spam folder. Also, be sure to add [email protected] to your list of safe senders.

How to change the account password

You can change your password at any time by doing the following:

We log in to our account and then click on the button “Edit Profile” on the right side.

Select the tab “Change password” and fill out the 3 fields as indicated and then click on “UPDATE PASSWORD”.

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